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Tour Operator: Wonder Why Berlin 2 hours Travel method:   Walking Region / Starts from: Berlin Category: Tours and Activities

20th century Berlin walk

Duration: 2 hours

Empire, Weimar, Nazi Terror, Socialist Dictatorship, Federal Republic - a story along one persons life


We stride across the Spree towards the Reichstag. At places like the Brandenburg Gate, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews, the Finance Ministry, Checkpoint Charlie, or the original Berlin Wall, we discuss world-significant events of modern times that have occurred precisely at these locations.


The tour fits for single travelers as well as for small and medium size groups

Further information

Our city tours thrive on questions. Some we come with, and all others arise during the tour. There are no silly questions - only equally silly answers. Below are a few examples of questions.


... is the train station so new?

... is there so much green between the Moltke Bridge and the Chancellery?

... is there a building called the Berlin 'washing machine'?

... is it called the 'Chancellor's Line'?

... is the Reichstag so far from the Palace Square?

... does it say 'to the German people' there?

... did Germany lose the Great War?

... was there a 'Weimar Republic' in the middle of Berlin?

... did people burn money in 1923?

... did people vote for Hitler?

... was there a Nazi Ministry of Propaganda?

... is the Victory Column no longer in front of the Reichstag?

... did World War II end with a flag on an insignificant building?

... do people wrap up Reichstag?

... was there no session in the Reichstag for 66 years?

... does everyone have to take a photo of the Brandenburg Gate?

... does the Brandenburg Gate look so different today than in 1988?

... were TV images of US presidents at the Brandenburg Gate politically sensitive?

... do politicians claim there is a 'Memorial of Shame' in the heart of Germany?

... have ordinary people murdered so many others?

... is there no right or wrong at Berlin's most famous memorial?

... are there so many bunkers in Berlin?

... are all tourists standing around in a parking lot?

... was the dog 'Blondi' poisoned?

... was the largest office building in Europe a political issue?

... should more and more work be done in the workers' paradise?

... could Tom Cruise scare a wedding party?

... does Berlin have so many things twice?

... must a city be divided?

... didn't the citizens just climb over the wall?

... were there ghost stations?

... are some 'more equal' than others?

... were a dozen tanks important for world peace?

... do we say the wall 'fell'?

... did a scribbled note make world history?

... did Great Aunt Evi have had 4 different passports?

The tour is supported by images. In a casual manner, the guide gives a brief historical overview of Berlin's 20th-century history and places it in the context of world events.

Best price guarantee
No hidden costs
Please contact the company if you cannot do the tour or will come late. If the tour is cancelled after the agreed starting time we will not have to do the tour and we will not refund the paid fees.
Meeting point

We meet at the pedestrain bridge Gustav Heinemann. You head out of the main train Station ("Hauptbahnhof") towards "Washingtonplatz" and walk further towards the river Spree. A pedestrian bridge callen "Gustav Heinemann Brücke" is crossing the river. The guide will stand there with a huge rainbow cloured umbrella. If you don´t find him please contact +49 160 8820008 by phone or whatsapp.

Various trains, S-Bahn and U-Bahn are passing "Hauptnbahnhof". Please calculate 5 minutes to find your way.

Gustav Heinemann Brücke, 10557 Berlin, Berlin, 10557
Important information

Thank you for booking with WonderWhy.Berlin Tours. You booked a 2 h walking tour with a total walk of about 5 km. We will end at Checkpoint Charlie.